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Granulocytosis is the main feature of CML. This is a rare blood cell cancer that begins in the bone marrow. CML is most common among older adults, but it can occur in people of any age.

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Gran = great. Grande = big. and as Julian said "Gran" is used in front of the corresponding noun and "Grande" is used after the noun. And neither is affected by the noun´s gender.

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According to Healthline, the most common causes of high granulocyte count include bone marrow disorders, infections and autoimmune disorders. Also called granulocytosis, a high granulocyte count usually indicates a health problem. Healthline explains that granulocytosis happens when too many ...

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Gran is a children's stop motion animation television series narrated by Patricia Hayes and directed by Ivor Wood. There were only two main characters, namely Gran and her grandson, Jim, and they were lucky and kind. The programme made by Woodland Animations was created and written by Michael and Joanne Cole.

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мини дробилки. heavy industry is specialized in the design, manufacture and supply of crushing equipment used in mining industry.