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The IABR investigated the feasibility of the World Water Atlas in 2016 under the authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The outcomes and recommendations ensuing from that investigation prompted the ministry to ask Deltares, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, and the IABR to form a consortium to realize ...

Sep 01, 2018· IABR–2018+2020+THE MISSING LINK 8th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 1 June – 8 July 2018 There is a direct connection between the future of the city, the subject of the IABR since its founding, and the key challenges of our time, climate change

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The international Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) was founded in 2001, in the conviction that architecture is a public concern. It is therefore that the IABR focuses on the future of the city, where 80% of mankind will be producing 90% of its wealth.

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Welcome: Welcome. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Breath Summit, which will take place from June 17-20, 2018 in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The field of breath research is rapidly growing, mainly because of improved analytical instrumentations, sensor technologies combined with sophisticated data analysis approaches, and the attractiveness of the non-invasive sampling.

The latest Tweets from IABR (@IABR). International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR—2018+2020—THE MISSING LINK #climatechange tweets in EN+NL

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