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Ru-70 is used to deposit ruthenium in processes such as chemical vapour deposition. It can also be used as a catalyst precursor for the hydrogenation of esters, carboxylic acids and amides and the amination of alcohols. Shipping & Handling . Ru-70 is toxic if swallowed.

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Slim 5 series rack shall be of ready-to-assemble construction. Rack top, bottom and horizontal braces shall be phosphate pre-treated and finished in black powdercoat. Rack uprights shall be 11-gauge steel rackrail with tapped 10-32 mounting holes in universal EIA spacing with …

The 6345RU is a three current stage 45 Amp converter/charger. It is part of the RU Series manufactured by Parallax Power Supply. The 6345RU is a direct replacement for the B-W Manufacturing and MagneTek™ 6345 Power Centers.

19201080.ru is tracked by us since July, 2016. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 596 999 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from Russian Federation, where it …

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There's been a great deal of talk about #Rutgers recruiting and star ratings. So we put together the RU 'Low Star' team, made up of players who had 0-2 stars or were walk-ons. First up, the offense.

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Odnoklassniki, OK.ru (Russian: Однокла́ссники; English: Classmates) is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is especially used in Russia and former Soviet Republics. The site was developed by Albert Popkov and launched on March 4, 2006.. The website currently has more than 200 million registered users and 45 million daily unique visitors.

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The RU-1000 plasma emission controller accelerates film deposition to a pace comparable to that in metallic mode and achieves excellent deposition distribution on substrates with large surface areas.